In this masterclass training you'll:

  • learn to recognize emotional blackmail
  • identify 16 tactics of emotional blackmail you need to watch out for
  • realize, why explaining your resasons for saying no, doesn't work, when that person emotionally blackmails you and what to do instead
  • learn actual sentences you can use, when a person is using one of the 16 tactics of emotional blackmail
  • learn 2 highly effective and practical TECHNIQUES for ending emotional blackmail and becoming imune to criticism
  • learn how to stand up for yourself and let go of guilt

Hi, I’m Katja, a psychologist from Slovenia.

Also known as a NO-FLUFF therapist, because I don't believe in generic advice, such as 'believe in yourself', 'follow your heart' etc. Sure, it sounds nice, but it doesn't actually help you. Instead I love practical solutions and proven techniques that actually work.

As a psychologist and psychotherapist I'm especially passionate about helping people skyrocket their self-esteem, helping them let go of their unnecessary guilt, end emotional drama and create genuine and loving relationships.

4 tactics of emotional blackmail

Here are 4 tactics of emotional blackmail you need to watch out for (click here).

Emotional blackmail: 7 warning signs

7 warning signs that you are dealing with a person who will probably emotionally blackmail you (click here).

Are you at risk?

Find out if you are at risk of being emotionally blackmailed (click here).

Want to learn how to say NO?


It's 100% free.