This course is for you if:

  • you have trouble sayng no
  • you're a people pleaser
  • you want to learn how to stand up for yourself
  • you want to know how to be true to yourself even if somebody disagrees with you
  • you want to gain confidence in relationships

This course is NOT for you if:

  • you're okay with things as they are - you have no trouble standing up for yourself
  • you want change but you're just not ready for it yet
  • you're not ready to invest some of your time and energy in making the changes you want happen

Just imagine...

Next time your mother/relative/boss/partner/kid/.../ tries to emotionally pressure you into doing something you:

  • say no in a kind, loving yet very firm way
  • feel good about yourself
  • even feel proud of yourself
  • as a result have more time, energy, money and better relationships

Seriously: What if this was your ‘new normal’?

What if you were no longer accepting disrespectful behavior and constantly feeling guilty about not being enough?

What if you were true to yourself?

What if you were finally doing what you actually want do with your life?

Hi, I’m Katja, a psychologist from Slovenia.

Also known as a NO-FLUFF therapist, because I don't believe in generic advice, such as 'believe in yourself', 'follow your heart' etc. Sure, it sounds nice, but it doesn't actually help you. Instead I love practical solutions and proven techniques that actually work.

As a psychologist and psychotherapist I'm especially passionate about helping people skyrocket their self-esteem, helping them let go of their unnecessary guilt, end emotional drama and create genuine and loving relationships.

If all you'd gain in this course is the confidence to kindly yet firmly say no - wouldn't it be worth it?

Select a pricing plan and sign up

4 tactics of emotional blackmail

Here are 4 tactics of emotional blackmail you need to watch out for (click here).

Emotional blackmail: 7 warning signs

7 warning signs that you are dealing with a person who will probably emotionally blackmail you (click here).

Are you at risk?

Find out if you are at risk of being emotionally blackmailed (click here).