Do you realize how amazing you actually are?

Or are you:

  • criticizing yourself non stop?
  • believing you're not good enough?
  • feeling guilty for not doing/being more?
  • alway trying to please others and be liked?
  • never saying no?
  • not being true to yourself?

Don't you worry. We are here to help you skyrocket your self-esteem!

”The course 'End emotional blackmail' for me personally was a game changer. It showed me an interesting, inspiring way of dealing with emotional blackmail, one I'm already adopting. Out of all the 'amazing' self proclamed life coaches I now trust only professional down to earth psychotherapists such as Katja.'

— Natasha

Hi, I’m Katja, a psychologist from Slovenia.

Also known as a NO-FLUFF therapist, because I don't believe in generic advice, such as 'believe in yourself', 'follow your heart' etc. Sure, it sounds nice, but it doesn't actually help you. Instead I love practical solutions and proven techniques that actually work.

As a psychologist and psychotherapist I'm especially passionate about helping people skyrocket their self-esteem, helping them let go of their unnecessary guilt, end emotional drama and create genuine and loving relationships.

Want to learn how to say NO?


It's 100% free.